Work package description
Work package number and title: WP4 Animation of interaction and co-operation in advanced studies of new materials and structures with leading European Centres.


The main objectives of this package are:

  • To animate interaction and co-operation with leading European Centres in applications of advanced spectroscopic research for direct characterization by various optical, magnetic, electrical transport and other techniques of new materials, important for future applications, such as nano-crystalline materials, magnetic, nanomagnetics and superconducting materials, photorefractive materials, periodically poled lithium niobate and related photonic structures.
  • To stimulate a new field of live exchange of scientists providing excellent possibilities for training of Ph.D. students and young post-docs in the field of solid state physics and electronics;
  • exchange of information, discussing results of measurements and co-ordination of futher cooperation;
Description of the contents:

This work package concerns exchange of scientists working in the field of experimental and theoretical investigations of modern photonic, magnetic, semiconducting, and superconducting materials and structures. Complementary application of several advanced spectroscopic methods of characterization of fabricated materials and structures should help to evaluate their application potential. This will be realized by animation of a network of groups involved in studies of this new materials cooperating closely with the Center. Special attention will be paid to the application of spectroscopic techniques easily implementable in technology of semiconducting materials such as Laplace-transform DLTS, which was developed in the Instutite of Physics in the framework of the former EC grants. The other advanced techniques of measuremets, listed in this project, available in the Center, will also be used. The additional research facilities, available in collaborating institutions, will be utilized in order to avoid inefficient and costly duplication of equipment. The cooperation with the EC large installation facilities will be used for additional characterization purposes. This package aims at strengthening ties with European centres for better access and the full use of relevant European facilities and expertise, and at the implementation of new forms of training of students and scientific staff.

Persons responsible in the Centre: Profs. A. Suchocki, M. Godlewski, D. Dobrowolski, Dr. L.T. Baczewski.